
Weekly Attendance

The overall attendance for 2023 - 2024 is 92.2%

The class with the highest of 96.2% is Miss Guest's class in Year 3. Well done!

The winning class will hold the attendance trophy, and do an activity of their choice 


Autumn term 1 Attendance - 93.4%. Autumn term 2 Attendance - 91.1%

Spring term 1 Attendance - 91.0%. Spring term 2 Attendance - 92.6%

Summer term 1 Attendance - 94.2%. Summer term 3 Attendance - 90.9%


Throughout 2024 / 2025 we will continue work close with families to support working towards our school target of 97%


Well done and thank you to all children, still with 100%



Outstanding Attendance


Congratulations to one of our Year 6 2021 leavers Molly Gwilt for achieving 100% attendance in each year at King's Hill. 

Congratulations to another two of our Year 6 2022 leavers Ashleigh and James Holmes for achieving 100% attendance in each year at King's Hill.

This is a fantastic achievement which will be talked about around school as an encouragement to others.

Well Done Molly, Ashleigh and James, Enjoy your rewards!